Gentle. Aligning. Kundalini Yoga. Great for all levels.

Depending on the class, we begin with settling into our bodies through gentle warm-up or resting in Savasana. Each series is specifically designed to calibrate our bodies and align our bones. The Tri Dosha Series is the primary sequence taking place entirely on the ground at a slow pace, encouraging meditation and deep relaxation, similar to yin or restorative yoga.

Some of the other Tantra Yoga flows include Viyama: standing series, Dand Flow: strengthening series, Surya Namaskar: sun salutation, and the hip-opening forward bending series. The main focus is preparing your whole self in a way that allows you to feel into your body, settle your system, and fully relax.

All asanas are held to lengthen + deepen, each one building upon the last, for an overall euphoric and relaxing body sensation. Final savasana concludes each practice, offering the space to reset and honor ourselves.


